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leonardo aedi spaghetti a vite


Durum wheat, water: This durum wheat pasta is bronze-rrawn and dried using a dough made exclusively of durum wheat and water. No colouring or preservatives have been added.


Complies with law n. 580 of the 04.07.1967 and later modifications.


average values for gr. 100 of product:

  • Energetic Value: kcal 365;
  • Proteins: gr 13,5;
  • Carbohydrates: gr. 74,0;
  • Fat gr. 15.


to be consumed preferably within 3 years.


to keep the product as fresh as possible we raccommend storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and temperatures below freezing.


being a dried product, no special transport conditions are required.


500 gr – 1 kg cardboard packages.

leonardo aedi spaghetti a viteleonardo aedi spaghetti a vite
leonardo aedi spaghetti a vite scatola


Alessandro Passi applied Leonardo da Vinci’s concept of the “aerial screw” to the surface of spaghetti to create “Spaghetti Screws”.

Leonardo da Vinci’s rendition of the aerial screw , applied to the surface of this pasta, gives it a unique ability to “cling” to any kind of sauce and even while remaining “al dente” it releases  its starch to help create a better bond with the sauce.

Also direct from Leonardo da Vinci’s Atlantic Code, the “BICYCLE”.

The bicycle wheels spokes allows it to “capture” the sauce, making for an exceptional flavuor experience.


This pasta, made from finest quality durum wheat grown in Italy, is dried in stages at low temperatures according to an ancient method which is the secret of its extraordinary flavor.

A level of quality that is not only expressed in its choice of raw materials but also of the perfect artisan to apply the method: The Antico Pastificio Rosetano (pasta factory) of Francesca e Gaetano Verrigni….

…. It is the unique flavor and design that make thi gem of a pasta practically a collector’s item… You can even cut out the leonardian’s  image on the packaging.

verigni produttore pasta



Pastificio Verrigni was founded in 1898 by Luigi Verrigni, which supplied the noble Rosburg family, today’s Roseto degli Abruzzi, with its precious pasta handicrafts.

The highest quality of Verrost’s pasta, obtained by milling grains with stone mills, mixed with Gran Sasso’s water and air dried, hanging on bamboo roots began to be recognized also in other Italian regions, so as to push Gaetano Verrigni, son of Luigi, experimented with drying methods through the use of “dressers”, equipped with current fans and heat sources necessary to create a constant temperature.

With the same passion of the founders in 2008 Gaetano Verrigni and Francesca Petrei Castelli, took over the company’s leadership, continuing this adventure in the name of renewing and respecting the experience of the past. A success that is consolidated by the love of both for the pasta and which finds sublime expression in the quality of the Verrni products.

The superior quality is determined, in fact, by choosing to base its production process on the selection of the best hard, only Italian, grains that are grown and harvested mainly in Abruzzo, on the farm of Francesca but also and above all by the farmer’s farmer Famous vineyards Francesco Paolo Valentini (Verrigni Valentini line).

Some of the changes introduced by the new management, the choice of new and more essential packaging and the expansion of the distribution network, to the innovative introduction of gold plating, added to the bronze, have allowed the company to consolidate its Market position.

In the Eighties, Verrigni is one of the few Italian pasties to propose a certified organic pasta that is worth a respect for in the European landscape, especially in the countries most sensitive to bio products (Germany, England, Scandinavian countries) Countries where Verrigni is still present.

The starred chefs Massimo Bottura, Massimiliano Alaimo, Moreno Cedroni, Daniele Zunica, Mario Uliassi, Giuseppe Cuttaia, Claudio Sadler, Arcangelo Dandini have long worked on the products of Antico Pastificio Rosetano – Verrigni, chosen not by chance for the production of Spaghetti LeonardoAedi’s life, confirming the high quality of the various groats, wisely worked.

L’Antico Pastificio Rosetano ha sede in via Salara, 9 a Roseto degli Abruzzi . La guida dell’azienda è affidata i soci a Gaetano Verrigni e Francesca Petrei Castelli; Gaetano si dedica principalmente alla produzione ed agli innovativi formati che hanno reso inconfondibile la strategia aziendale, Francesca è impegnata nella comunicazione del marchio, dei prodotti e nell’organizzazione di eventi incentrati sulla promozione della qualità e del “vero” made in Italy

leonardo aedi spaghetti a vite
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